报告题目:Colorings v.s. list colorings of graph and hypergraph摘要:For a graph G, Donner in 1992 showed that the list coloring function P_l(G,k) equals the chromatic polynomial P(G,k) when k is sufficiently large (compared to the num...[详细]
题 目:Ringel-Hall algebra of a cyclic quiver and applications报告人:邓邦明 清华大学 教授 博士生导师时 间:2018年5月30日下午 2:30 -3:30地 点:002cc白菜资讯三楼专家接待室摘 要:In this talk we introduce the double Ringel-Hall algeb...[详细]
报告标题:Global Classical Solutions to Partially Dissipative Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems Violating the Kawashima Condition报 告 人:曲鹏 复旦大学报告摘要:This talk would discuss the Cauchy problem for the quasilinear hyperbolic sys...[详细]
报告题目:Pohozaev-type inequalities with applications报 告 人:安天庆 教授(河海大学)时 间:2018年6月2日(星期六)下午5:00-6:00地 点:002cc白菜资讯三楼报告厅摘 要:摘要:Pohozaev恒等式是偏微分方程中的重要结论,具有广泛的应用。...[详细]
报告题目:全局吸引子的维数问题报 告 人:钟承奎 教授(南京大学)时 间:2018年6月2日(星期六)下午4:00-5:00地 点:002cc白菜资讯三楼报告厅摘 要:无穷维动力系统的重要问题之一就是全局吸引子的维数问题,这里的维数是指Hausdorff维数与分形...[详细]
报告题目:The distance to square-free polynomials报告人: 沙敏摘 要: Given an integer polynomial f, let L(f) be the sum of the absolute values of the coefficients of f. In 1960s, Turán asked whether there exists an absolute constant C...[详细]
报告题目:An asymptotic distribution theory for Eulerian recurrences with applications摘要:A class of recurrences of Eulerian type is examined from the viewpoint of asymptotic distribution of the coefficients. We characterize various ...[详细]
报告题目:The Nehari manifold for saturable nonlinear Schrodinger equations报 告 人:吴宗芳教授(台湾高雄大学特聘教授)摘 要:In this talk, we will study a class of nonlinear Schrodinger equation with saturable nonlinearity. By means o...[详细]