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发布时间:2018-05-28文章来源:002cc白菜资讯 浏览次数:

报告题目:Colorings v.s. list colorings of graph and hypergraph

摘要:For a graph G, Donner in 1992 showed that the list coloring function P_l(G,k) equals the chromatic polynomial P(G,k) when k is sufficiently large (compared to the number of vertices). Later in 2009, Thomassen specified the `sufficiently large k' by `k> |V|^{10}'. Recently, we improve the latter result to k>\frac{m-1}{\ln(1+\sqrt{2})} and generalize further to r-uniform hypergraphs for any r\ge 2:

\noindent{\bf Theorem} For any connected $r$-uniform hypergraph G with m edges and r\geq 2, if

k>\frac{m-1}{\ln(1+\sqrt{2})}\approx 1.135 (m-1)

then P_l(G, k) = P(G, k) and the k-list assignment admitting the fewest colorings is the constant k-list assignment.





关闭 打印责任编辑:孔祥立
