• 张盛教授学术报告信息预告 2018-04-12


  • 冯荣权教授学术报告信息预告 2018-04-09

    ​报告题目:Directed Strongly Regular Dihedrants报告人:冯荣权教授(北京大学教授、博士生导师)摘要:An -directed strongly regular graph is a directed graph with vertices satisfying (i) each vertex has in-neighbors counted as both in an...[详细]

  • Gilles Reinout Willem Quispel教授学术报告信息预告 2018-04-02

    ​报告题目:A talk on energy-preserving integrators报 告 人:Gilles Reinout Willem Quispel教授 (La Trobe University, 澳大利亚)时    间:2018年4月3号 上午 9:00-9:45地    点:002cc白菜资讯三楼专家接待室 报告人简介: Gilles Reinout Willem Qui...[详细]

  • 李文侠教授学术报告信息预告 2018-04-02

    报告题目:On the bifurcation set of unique expansions报告人: 李文侠 教授   华东师范大学报告摘要:In this talk, we first introduce a result on the Hausdorff dimension of the univoque set in q-expansion, which involve a topological entro...[详细]

  • 肖冬梅教授学术报告信息预告 2018-04-02

    ​报告题目:Global dynamics of  some  Hamiltonian systems报告人:肖冬梅  教授  上海交通大学报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce two classes of Hamiltonian systems: LV Hamiltonian system in R^4 and Kolmogorov  Hamiltonian systems in R...[详细]

  • 韩茂安教授学术报告信息预告 2018-04-02

    ​报告题目:数学论文写作二三事报告人:韩茂安  教授   上海师范大学报告摘要:本科生、研究生都要求写毕业论文,年轻教师提职称也需要发表学术论文,因此如何选择课题如何开展课题研究如何写作学术论文都与学术研究和事业发展有密切关系。本报告将简述数...[详细]

  • 庾建设教授学术报告信息预告 2018-04-02

    ​报告题目:Assessing the efficiency of Wolbachia driven Aedes mosquito suppression by delay differential equations报告人:  庾建设  教授   广州大学报告摘要:To suppress wild population of Aedes mosquitoes, the primary transmission vecto...[详细]

  • 李继彬教授学术报告信息预告 2018-04-02

    报告题目: On the theory and applications of singular nonlinear wave equations: dynamical system approach报告人:李继彬  教授  华侨大学报告摘要:Nonlinear wave phenomena are of great importance in the physical world and have been for a l...[详细]

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