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发布时间:2024-04-07文章来源:002cc白菜资讯毛安民 浏览次数:

报告题目The number of positive solutions for n-coupled elliptic systems


   2024411 下午1600-17:30



We study the number of positive solutions to the $n$-coupled elliptic system. We prove new multiplicity and uniqueness results for positive solutions of the system, whether the system has a variational structure or not. In some cases we provide a rather complete characterization on the exact number of positive solutions. The results we obtain reveal that the positive solution set of this system has very different structures in the three cases $p_{ij}<2$, $p_{ij}=2$, and $2<p_{ij}<2^*$. Moreover, when $2<p_{ij}<2^*$, very different structures of the positive solution set can also be seen in the case where $p_{ij}$ close to $2$ and the case where $p_{ij}$ close to $2^*$. Similar results are given for elliptic systems with subcritical Sobolev exponents



刘兆理教授长期从事临界点理论及其应用研究,系统地发展了下降流不变集方法,率先将这一新方法成功地应用于非线性椭圆型微分方程理论,在解的存在性、解的个数、变号解的个数、变号解nodal域的个数等方面获得了一批新结果,解决了多个疑难问题。出版专著一部,在Adv. Math., Comm. Math. Phy., J. Fun. Anal.,Math. Zeit., JDE., Ann. l'Inst. H. Poincar-Anal. non Linaire,Comm. PDE等知名国际期刊上发表学术论文多篇。其研究成果被国际同行如美国、德国、意大利、澳大利亚等国家的数学家大量引用或推广,并用来解决其它的问题。


关闭 打印责任编辑:吕瑞源
