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发布时间:2023-07-22文章来源:002cc白菜资讯赵体伟 浏览次数:

报告人:James J. Zhang 教授(华盛顿大学)



报告题目:Pivotal automorphisms and valuations of n-Lie Poisson algebras

报告摘要:Pivotal automorphisms of an algebra will be introduced and be calculated for the polynomial algebras by using valuations of n-Lie Poisson algebras. Joint work with Hongdi Huang, Xin Tang, and Xingting Wang.

报告人简介:张坚(James J. Zhang), 美国华盛顿大学数学系教授,2013年至今美国数学会会士(Fellow),复旦大学长江学者讲座教授,非交换代数与代数几何领域国际著名专家,国际非交换代数几何领域的带头人之一。1991年获麻省理工学院博士学位,1991-1994美国密西根大学助理教授,1994-1998华盛顿大学助理教授,1998-2001美国华盛顿大学数学系副教授,2001年至今美国华盛顿大学数学系教授。自1991年以来连续主持美国国家自然科学基金近十项,在《Duke Math. J.》、《Adv. Math.》、《Trans.Amer. Math. Soc.》、《Proc. London Math. Sco.》、《Compos. Math.》、《J. London Math. Soc.》、《Math. Z.》、《Pac. J. Math.》、《Israel J. Math. 》、《J. Alg.》等国际重要学术刊物上发表论文110余篇,引用次数达到1900多次。

报告人:李利平 教授(湖南师范大学)



报告题目:A torsion theoretic interpretation of sheaves over ringed sites

报告摘要:Let $\mathscr{C}$ be a skeletally small category equipped with an Grothendieck topology $J$, and $\mathcal{O}$ a structure sheaf over the site $(\mathscr{C}, J)$. In this talk we describe a characterization of sheaves of $\mathcal{O}$-modules in terms of a certain torsion theory determined by $J$.  As an application, we classify all possible Grothendieck topologies over categories of type $\mathbb{N}$ and corresponded sheaves of $\mathcal{O}$-modules.

报告人简介:李利平,湖南师范大学数学与统计学院特聘教授,博士生导师,湖南省芙蓉学者特聘教授、湖湘高层次人才聚集工程创新人才,湖南省政协委员。2012年在美国明尼苏达大学获博士学位。曾任加州大学河滨分校数学系访问助理教授。主要研究领域为代数表示论与表示稳定性理论,在Adv. Math.,Trans.Amer. Math. Soc., Selecta Math.,J.Lond.等国际重要SCI期刊发表论文30余篇。

报告人:扶先辉 教授(东北师范大学)



报告题目:Powers of ghost ideals

报告摘要:In this talk, the theory of infinite powers of ghost ideals is presented. A key tool developed in this theory is an ideal version of Eklof's Lemma. This theory is used to study Generalized Generating Hypothesis. In particular, (1) it is used to show a dual of a result of Xu: if the class of pure projective right R-modules is closed under extensions, then every FP-projective right R-module is pure projective; and (2) it is used to study the ghost ideal in the category of complexes. This is joint with S. Estrada, I. Herzog, and S. Odabasi.

报告人简介:扶先辉,东北师范大学数学与统计学院副经理,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为同调代数与K-理论。研究论文发表于Adv. Math.,Proc. Lond. Math. Soc.,J. Algebra,J. Pure Appl. Algebra等权威数学杂志。主持多项国家自然科学基金项目4项。

报告人:付昌建 教授(四川大学)



报告题目:On quiver representations over the virtual field

报告摘要:Quiver representations over the virtual field (=the field with one element) were introduced by Szczesny in 2012 as a degenerated combinatorial model of quiver representations over a field. The category of representations of a quiver over the virtual field shares many nice properties with the one over a field except that it is not additive, which leads to tremendous difficult to study the homological properties of this category. In this talk, we will give a brief introduction to this category and some homological properties for a particular class of quivers, which already yields negative answers for questions raised by Szczesny.

报告人简介:付昌建,四川大学002cc白菜资讯教授,博士毕业于四川大学。主要从事代数的结构与表示理论、丛理论等方面的研究。在相关领域得到了一系列创新性成果。在Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.、Math. Z.、J. Algebra等国际著名SCI学术期刊发表论文多篇。多次主持国家自然科学基金面上项目。

报告人:丁南庆 教授(南京大学)



报告题目:A new characterization of silting subcategories in the stable category of a Frobenius extriangulated category

报告摘要:We give a new characterization of silting subcategories in the stable category of a Frobenius extriangulated category. More specifically, for any Frobenius extriangulated category $\mathcal{C}$, we establish a bijective correspondence between silting subcategories of the stable category $\underline{\mathcal{C}}$ and certain covariantly finite subcategories of $\mathcal{C}$. As a consequence, a characterization of silting subcategories in the stable category of a Frobenius exact category is given. This result is applied to homotopy categories over abelian categories with enough projectives, derived categories over Grothendieck categories with enough projectives, and to the stable category of Gorenstein projective modules over a ring $R$. This talk is a report on joint work with Y. J. Ma, Y. F. Zhang, and J. S. Hu.


报告人:魏加群 教授(南京师范大学)



报告题目: T[-1]-cluster tilting objects and support τ^{-1}-tilting A-modules

报告摘要:Let C be a k-linear Hom-finite Krull-Schmidt triangulated category with a clustertilting object T and a Serre functor. We introduce T[-1]-cluster tilting objects in C, which are another generalization of cluster-tilting objects. Let A be the opposite algebra of the endmorphism algebra of T. We construct a bijection between T[-1]-cluster tilting objects in C and support τ^{-1}-tilting A-modules. Moreover, we establish one-to-one correspondence between support τ^{-1}-tilting A-modules and support τ-tilting A-modules.

报告人简介:魏加群, 南京师范大学002cc白菜资讯, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向为同调代数与代数表示论, 江苏省杰出青年基金获得者, 入选南京师范大学百人计划, 江苏省333工程中青年科学技术带头人, 江苏省高校青蓝工程中青年学术带头人, 曾获教育部科技二等奖(排名第三), 江苏省数学成就奖等, 研究论文发表于Adv. Math., Math. Z., Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., Israel J. Math.,  J. Algebra,J. Pure Appl. Algebra, Comm. Algebra等著名杂志.

报告人:何济位 教授(杭州师范大学)



报告题目:An introduction to noncommutative resolutions of noncommutative singularities

报告摘要:Two decades ago, Van den Bergh introduced noncommutative crepant resolutions (NCCR) for (commutative) Gorenstein singularities. Later, various generalizations of NCCR were introduced for noncommutative singularities. In this talk, I will report progresses on noncommutative resolutions, especially the resolutions for graded isolated singularities.

报告人简介:何济位,杭州师范大学002cc白菜资讯教授,2004年毕业于浙江大学数学系,获博士学位。2004年9月至2012年02月先后在复旦大学002cc白菜资讯和比利时安特卫普大学从事博士后研究工作。浙江省“151人才(第三层次)”,省高校优秀青年教师,省高校中青年学科带头人。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目多项。主要研究领域为非交换代数,在Trans AMS、J Noncommut Geom、Math Z、Israel J Math、J Algebra、中国科学等国内外期刊发表学术论文四十余篇。

报告人:卢明 教授(四川大学)



报告题目:Hall algebras and i-quantum groups

报告摘要:In order to realize i-quantum groups in Drinfeld type presentation, we introduce generalized complexes over abelian categories. This kind of complexes includes (bounded) complexes, periodic complexes and modules of i-quivers introduced by Weiqiang Wang and the speaker. We study the Gorenstein projective objects, objects of finite projective dimensions, and singularity category of the generalized complexes. A kind of Hall algebra is constructed for the generalized complexes, and is used to realize the i-quantum groups. This is joint work with Shiquan Ruan.

报告人简介:卢明,四川大学教授,国家级青年拔尖人才,研究兴趣为代数表示论与李理论。目前主要从事量子群和i-量子群的Hall代数实现和几何实现的研究,在《Proc. London Math. Soc》,《Adv. Math》,《Comm. Math. Phys.》,《Selecta Math.》,《Trans. AMS》等数学杂志上发表30余篇论文。

关闭 打印责任编辑:吕瑞源
