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发布时间:2022-03-30文章来源:002cc白菜资讯 浏览次数:

报告题目 Quotients of the Associative Operad of GK-dimension 5.

报告人:鲍炎红教授 安徽大学

摘要: Let $\mathcal{A}ss$ denote the associative algebra operad that encodes the category of unital associative algebras. Quotient operads of $\mathcal{A}ss$ relate to polynomial identity algebras (PI-algebras) closely. In fact, a PI-algebra is equivalent to an algebra over $\mathcal{A}ss$/\mathcal{I}$ for some nonzero operadic ideal of $\mathcal{A}ss$/\mathcal{I}$. In this talk, we will introduce the classification of quotient operads $\mathcal{A}ss/\mathcal{I}$ of GK-dimension 5.

报告时间:2022.4.1  1335-1435             报告地点:腾讯会议:577-740-583


个人简介:鲍炎红,男,1981年生,安徽大学002cc白菜资讯教授、博士生导师,教务处副处长,入选国家级人才计划青年项目,国家一流本科课程负责人,安徽省杰出青年基金获得者。主要从事环与代数表示论的研究,主持国家自然科学基金3项,在Adv. Math. , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,J. Noncommut. Geom.,J. Algebra等期刊发表学术论文近二十篇。

关闭 打印责任编辑:吕瑞源
