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发布时间:2021-10-11文章来源:002cc白菜资讯 浏览次数:

题目: The compressed shift operators on Hardy space over the bidisk

时间: 2021年1020  上午 09:00-10:00    地点: 腾讯会议 900660052

摘要: The model operators $S(u)$ have played an important role in developing both function and operator theory over the past century. In particular, the lattice of invariant subspaces and the spectrum of $S(u)$ have been very well understood. This success led people to study the Hardy space over the bidisk. We are interested in the independent behavior of compressed shift operator $S_{z}$ on the Hardy space over the bidisk. In this talk, we study the invariant subspace, reducibility and spectrum of $S_{z}$ for a class of quotient modules. This is based on the joint work with Yufeng Lu and Chao Zu.


杨义新,大连理工大学002cc白菜资讯教授,博士生导师,算子理论与算子代数团队成员。主要从事泛函分析、算子理论与算子代数的教学和科研工作,在双圆盘Hardy空间及其上的压缩移位算子结构,包括不变子空间和约化子空间问题、Nevanlinna-Pick(广义)插值等方面取得了一系列科研成果。在《J. Funct. Anal.》、《Integr. Equ. and Oper.Theory》、《Acta Sci. Math.(Szeged)》、《Complex Anal. Oper. Theory》、《Ann. Funct. Anal.》、《Oper.

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