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发布时间:2020-06-05文章来源:002cc白菜资讯 浏览次数:

1、 报告题目:量子关联与生物医学


报告摘要: 量子力学的建立,推动了很多学科的发展,产生了诸如量子信息、量子化学和量子生物学等新兴学科。多体量子系统中存在量子关联,是量子力学的主要特征之一。 很多研究表明,量子关联在生物医学方面也有不可估量的应用前景。 为识别系统中量子关联的存在以及量子关联程度的大小以便于各种场合的应用,近年来 纠缠之外量子关联的量化问题吸引了越来越多的关注。但目前所知的量子关联及量化,即量子关联度,都存在计算非常困难的问题,这极大地限制了量子关联的实际应用。我们以保真度为工具,提出连续变量系统上基于保真度的不变酉操作诱导的两种性质更好的高斯量子关联度,讨论了它们的性质和计算问题。 特别地,找到第二种高斯量子关联度的一个易于计算的上界M。可以证明M也是高斯量子关联度。作为应用,我们设计了一种利用1+1模激光系统的量子关联度M测量单个细胞内部温度的方案。


报告地点:腾讯会议 会议 ID: 668 990 651

2、 报告题目: Subdiagonal algebras with   Beurling type invariant subspaces

报告人: 吉国兴教授(陕西师范大学)

报告摘要:In this talk, we will  discuss   subdiagonal   algebras  whose right  invariant subspaces in  the  associated noncommutative $H^2$  space  is of Beurling's type,  in   a von Neumann algebra.Let $\mathfrak A$ be a maximal subdiagonal algebra in a $\sigma$-finite von Neumann algebra $\mathcal M$. If every right invariant subspace of $\mathfrak A$ in the non-commutative Hardy space $H^2$ is of Beurling type, then we say  $\mathfrak A$  is of  type 1.  We determine   generators of these algebras and consider  a Riesz type factorization theorem for the  non-commutative $H^1$ space. We show that the right analytic Toeplitz algebra on the non-commutative Hardy space $H^p$ associated with  a type 1 subdiagonal algebra with multiplicity 1 is hereditary reflexive.  Moreover, if  a von Neumann algebra is finite, then every subdiagonal algebra of type 1 in it is finite.


报告地点:腾讯会议 会议 ID: 668 990 651

3、 报告题目: Higher index problems associated with coarse geometry and Banach space geometry

报告人: 王勤教授(华东师范大学)

报告摘要: Higher index theory associated with coarse geometry is a program to compute K-theory of the Roe C*-algebras of various spaces. There are beautiful links between higher index theory, metric coarse geometry, dynamical systems and Banach space geometry. In this talk, we will discuss these links and some of recent progress in this direction.


报告地点:腾讯会议 会议 ID: 668 990 651

4、报告题目: Asymptotic continuous orbit equivalence for expensive systems

报告人: 侯成军教授(扬州大学)

报告摘要:We introduce notions of asymptotic continuous orbit equivalence for expensive systems of group actions, and characterize them in terms of the semi-direct groupoids of local conjugacy equivalence relations from the systems by the canonical group actions, as well as the associated reduced groupoid $C^*$-algebras.


报告地点:腾讯会议 会议 ID: 668 990 651

关闭 打印责任编辑:孔祥立
