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发布时间:2019-10-15文章来源:002cc白菜资讯 浏览次数:

报告题目Implosion of the Argentinian Submarine ARA San Juan S-42 Undersea: Study and Simulation

报 告 人:陈巩(Goong Chen)教授(美国Texas A&M Univerity



主办单位:科技处 002cc白菜资讯

Abstract: This talk addresses a contemporary event of the sunken Argentinian submarine ARA San Juan S-42 in November 2017. The submarines wreckage was found one year later on the seabed off the southern Atlantic coast of Argentina, with its imploded debris scattered on the seabed at the depth of about 900 meters under sea level.

But what is implosion? First, we introduce several phenomena of

implosions. Then we develop computational mechanics modeling and conduct supercomputer simulations for this study, using the versatile software LS-DYNA as the platform. We first revisit underwater implosion phenomena by the test of pressurizing a plugged aluminum cylinder in a water tank and match the patterns of structural deformations as the important way to validate our computational methodology and model selections. Furthermore, the radiation of the implosion shocks are computed and compared with those in the literature.


Using a base model for the submarine, we are able to perform event

reconstruction for the underwater implosion of ARA San Juan S-42. Our work can encompass the features of structural fracture and break-up, which were not included in the earlier studies. Furthermore, we show that by adding ring stiffeners (buckle arrestors), we can delay the onset of underwater implosion by increasing the tolerance of more water depth for the submarine.


All the dynamic nonlinear implosion phenomena can be visualized by video animations obtained from our supercomputer simulations, which are also compared with an artistically rendered video animation.


The talk is easy to understand, without specialized prerequisite. Everyone

is welcome.



陈巩教授Goong Chen1972年在台湾国立清华大学获得学士学位(数学),并于1977年获University of Wisconsin at Madison博士学位。自1987年至今,一直在美国Texas A&M Univerity数学与航空工程学院任教,现为该校终身教授。2000年成为Texas A&M Univerity量子研究所成员。

Goong Chen教授在应用和计算数学的诸多领域有研究兴趣:偏微分方程的控制理论,边界元方法和偏微分方程数值解,工程力学,混沌动力学,量子计算,化学物理和量子力学。

Goong Chen教授在SIAM ReviewSIAM Journal on Control and Optimization等刊物上发表了150多篇论文,已出版7本英文专著,编辑4本英文学术著作。他目前是SCI期刊Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications的主编,以及Elsevier/Academic出版社科学与工程数学丛书的主编。他曾担任过Chapman & Hall/CRC出版社应用数学与非线性科学丛书的主编(2002-2011)。他还是其它几个期刊的副主编,包括SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, the International Journal on Quantum Information, Physica Scripta, 以及

the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations。他还是美国数学学会(AMS)和工业和应用数学学会(SIAM)的会员。

Goong Chen教授目前正在从事与计算力学有关的项目研究。他的关于失踪马航MH370航班的文章,作为封面故事,发表在20154Notices of The American Mathematical Society (AMS),被美国数学学会称为“Top Math Stories in the Media -2015”


关闭 打印责任编辑:孔祥立
