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发布时间:2018-12-11文章来源:002cc白菜资讯 浏览次数:

报告题目: From Bose-Einstein Condensate to Multiscale Methods: A Computational Challenge

报告人: 盛秦 教授

报告时间: 20181214日 下午 16:0017:00

报告地点: 002cc白菜资讯三楼报告厅

: In this presentation, we will focus at beams with radially symmetric fields in transverse directions. Our investigation continues to a novel new concept of asymptotical stability. Highly oscillatory migration waves for applications will be explored. Physical concerns are once again placed before traditional mathematical arguments. Intensive auxiliary expansions and analysis will be carried out. It will be proven that, while appropriate constraints are reinforced, the asymptotical stability of the novel multiscale compact method remains affective. Computer experiments with laboratorial validations will be given to illustrate our conclusions. Our new multiscale computations are remarkably vibrating for various laser optics applications that were outlined by Bose and Einstein a century ago.

报告人简介:Qin Sheng 教授是美国贝勒大学数学系和物理系终身教授。Qin Sheng 教授的主要研究领域为线性和非线性偏微分方程的分裂与自适应算法及其应用,其主要研究结果在数值分析领域被誉为Sheng-Suzuki 定理。 Qin Sheng 教授学术造诣极深,与世界各地的知名学者有这广泛深入的合作。在二十多年的研究生涯中,Sheng 教授发表了超过 100 篇高质量论文,参与编写多部学术专著,并且为大英百科词典撰写分裂算法的词条。2010 年起,Qin Sheng 教授担任国际 SCI 期刊 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 主编。Qin Sheng 教授多次应邀访问美国、欧洲、拉丁美洲和中国的高校与研究机构,多次应邀参加国际数学大会并做邀请报告,多次获得美国能源部、国防部以及国家自然科学基金委的资助。

关闭 打印责任编辑:孔祥立
