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发布时间:2017-09-20文章来源:002cc白菜资讯 浏览次数:



报告题目:Parabolic implosion surgery and twist deformation of rational maps

报告摘要:Consider the Riemann surfaces of a geometrically finite rational map. A repeated Dehn twist will produce a sequence of rational maps in its moduli space. We will prove that this sequence is convergent under certain condition. The proof involves iteration on Teichmuller spaces and a surgery perturbation which realize a parabolic implosion.






报告题目:Cyclic Higgs bundles and minimal surfaces

报告摘要:Given a G-Higgs bundle over a closed Riemann surface, there is a unique equivariant harmonic map from the universal cover of the Riemann surface into the associated symmetric space of G. We find a maximum principle theorem for a type of coupled linear elliptic systems and apply it to analyze the Hitchin equation for cyclci Higgs bundles. In this case, the harmonic map is conformal and hence minimal. We show several domination results of the pullback metrics of the branched minimal immersion. We also discuss the case Riemann surface with punctures, for example, the uniqueness of harmonic maps.



报告人简介:李琼玲,2014获莱斯大学博士,然后在丹麦奥胡斯QGM研究所和加州理工002cc白菜资讯担任联合博士后至今。主要研究方向为:Teichmuller空间,调和映照,Higgs丛。与他人合作对cyclic Higg丛渐进性的分析研究,解决在cyclic Higgs 丛情形下Katzarkov-Noll-Pandit-Simpson关于Hitchin WKB 问题的猜想。



报告题目:Quasi-perodic operators and quasi-periodic cocycles

报告摘要:Quasi-periodic operators has strong background in quantum physics. The eigenvalue equations of the operators define a familyof quasi-periodic cocycles onof the form . The full understanding of the dynamics of  this family of cocycles will lead to full understanding of the corresponding operators. In the talk, I will give a brief survey on this topic and present our recent results on the Dry Ten Martini Problem, Aubry-Andre-Jitomirskaya conjecture. The talk is based on joint works with Avila and Zhou.





报告人:Walter Bergweiler professor Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel

报告题目:Radially distributed values and normal families

报告摘要:We consider functions holomorphic in the unit disk for which all zeros lie on one ray while all one-points lie on a different ray. We show that the family of all these functions is normal in the unit disk punctured at the origin. The case where the zeros are positive and the one-points are negative is studied in more detail. The results are joint work with Alexandre Eremenko.



报告人简介Walter Bergweiler’s main research area is complex analysis. One topic he is particularly interested in is complex dynamics. This is concerned with the behavior of complex-valued functions under iteration. For example, one studies for which starting values the sequence of iterates converges, whether it has convergent subsequences, etc. The dependence on parameters other than the starting value is also of interest. The corresponding subsets of the complex plane are usually very complicated and they are appealing also to the non-mathematician. Some of these pictures are collected in a gallery. But the mathematics behind them is much more beautiful than the pictures! Other topics in complex analysis where he is interested in are the theory of entire and meromorphic functions, differential and functional equations in the complex domain, quasiregular maps in higher dimension and normal families.

关闭 打印责任编辑:孔祥立
