报告人:浙江工业大学 陈传强 博士
主持人:王培合 教授
时 间:2016年3月31日(周四)16:00—17:00
地 点:002cc白菜资讯三楼报告厅
题 目: The interior $C^2$ estimate for Monge-Ampere equation in dimension two
摘 要:The interior $C^2$ estimate for admissible solutions of $\sigma_2(D^2 u)=f>0$ is a longstanding and important problem. In this talk, we introduce a new auxiliary function, and establish a new proof of the interior $C^2$ estimate in dimension two, which was firstly proved by Heinz [J. Analyse Math., 1959]. This is a joint work with Fei Han and Qianzhong Ou.